OS: The latest version of Windows Server is recommended. Older OSes are supported, but OSes older than Server 2016 require our outdated SQL 2014 installer to be used. Business grade versions of Windows 10 are also supported, however HTTPS cannot be effectively managed through IIS in Windows 10. For this reason a server OS is highly recommended.
VM Support: VMware and Hyper-V/2016+ are both supported. Hyper-V with a Server 2012 host is not supported.
CPU: At least 2 -fairly modern- virtual or physical CPUs.
RAM: 4GB Minimum. 8GB Strongly Recommended.
HDD: 100GB of free drive space.
Service User Requirements
Local Admin: The service user must be a local administrator on the Excellerant Server/PC. The user SHOULD NOT be a domain administrator.
Domain User: The user must be a domain user with access to the network shares where the NC files are contained.
Static Password: The password for the user should not change.
Detailed system requirements and details on how Excellerant communicates can be
found here.